Sabrina is one of my great friends from high school. Not "Great" in the way that friends talk all the time or see each other frequently, but "Great" in the sense that she is one of those friends you never want to lose, even if you only talk once a year, or only see once every few years. She is "Great" in that she has the personality which draws you, a precious heart and solid faith. She is a prayer warrior. What I remember about her the most from high school is laughing, laughing and more laughter. When I think about her now as an adult, I think about how she prays. Sabrina has a cute, insightful blog called Sabrina Sayings where she recently posted a blog mentioning Mr Boy. I needed this post.
Sometimes I lose sight of what the Lord has done in our lives because we are right up in it, and forget how grim Mr Boy's life looked in the beginning and just how far God has brought us. I need reminders like this to be reminded to fall on my face before the Lord and worship Him for his goodness and mercy. There is no way to explain my gratitude for these words. Please enjoy this sweet, sweet post.
Ultrasound Technician Program will have no problem finding jobs in the next ten years or so. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment growth of approximately 44 percent because of the increasing popularity of ultrasound procedures and better portability of the machines. A technologist with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and several specialty certifications will be the most highly desired in the industry. We have a list of nearby schools that are certified to provide the trainings necessary for you to become a Ultrasound Training. Thanks for sharing..... Ultrasound Training Piney Knoll Ga