
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Days of Prayer

Ok, I am embarrassed that I am 19 days late on this, but you should all go right now, to the blog, Our Little Tough Guy . My friend is posting 30 Days of Prayer for a different sweet child with disabilities each day. Her precious son is only a few months younger than Mr. Boy and was born with the same condition. Her blog and posts have encouraged me throughout this year as I have known her and I know they will touch you as well. There are several kids with this condition included in the days of prayer, and Mr. Boy is Day 16, but I encourage you to read and pray through all of them with me as they are all so special and each post is so encouraging and precious. I learned about kiddos and disabilities/illnesses I could never even imagine. It will bless your heart. Thank you Jill, for starting this journey, I can not wait to see what the Lord does through all these prayers!!

Our friend (right) with his loving brother (left)

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