It's been a whole month since we sold our home, packed our belongings into a moving van and said "Goodbye" to South Dakota with eyes set on a future in Colorado, close to David's family.
Dr. Ryckman, Pediatric Surgeon Jen Reitsma CPNP (Pedi Surgery) Dr. Adamiak, Gastroenterology
Carolyn Dodson, Occupational Therapist Dr. Julie Johnson, Rehabilitation
Saying "Thank you!!!" and "Goodbye!!!" to a few of his doctors and the Sanford Children's Castle of Care, was a bitter-sweet affair, as we had to leave a hospital and doctors who know Mr Boy inside (literally) and out, and a staff that has been God's hands and feet to our family. I will miss the fact that all the front desk staff know Mr Boy's name, I will miss the short conversations I have with the free valet parking attendants who remember us because of our frequency to the castle, I will miss the nurses who have become our friends and confidants. There is a lot to miss and a lot to be nervous about going forward: new Doctors and hospitals, etc, but because we know the Lord has orchestrated every moment of this move for our family, there is no reason to fear. Instead, we can look forward to the fresh insights and new programs available for Mr Boy in Colorado.
Since our move, we took a week to visit my parents in Jacksonville, Florida.
Mr Boy did well on the plane:
... and at the Jacksonville Zoo...

...And seeing the downtown by bridge...
...And by water taxi!
We concluded our visit with a trip to St. Augustine to see Fort Castillo De San Marcos.
We are currently living with the oh-so-generous and accommodating in-laws, as we look for a new house. Dave's parents are the best! Please pray that we find just the right home, close to wonderful neighbors and future friends for Mr Boy.
Hello Colorado! It is a HUGE blessing to now be close to family, including cousins!!
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Z and Mr Boy holding hands for prayer before dinner. |
It is sometimes hard to explain all that goes on in our home, as it's so foreign to most and sometimes private in nature. Plus, sometimes I just don't want to sound whiney. So I have a tendency to make issues that are horrible, sound lighter than they are. Case in point: Mr Boy's hypersensitivity to other kids and some sensory "triggers." I touched on it in my last post, but it was getting to the point that we wanted to pull our hair out and scream. I mentioned before that due to all the awful things that have been forced upon him in the hospital, he developed control issues. He would be happy as long has he had perceived control over his environment. Anything in his environment that was perceived to be out of his control: ex) me dancing, the curtains blowing in the wind, dust floating about, a new visitor, kids, animals, toys that made too much noise or unpredictable movements, etc... were just a few of the things we knew would surely cause a melt-down of epic proportions. It was not like this 24/7, but Mr Boy would go through seasons or weeks of being hypersensitive and weeks of freedom.
I say all this because I want to give a lil shout out to the Lord for the good things he has done in our lives. You see, in the weeks leading up to our move and subsequent FL vacation, Mr Boy was the worst he's been in a while. We even cancelled saying goodbye to a few families before we left, because they had kids and we couldn't stomach the thought of Mr Boy's reaction and figured it'd be best to avoid people altogether. :( We were terrified that the move would go horribly for him, and that the vacation would be a total loss to Mr Boy's fears and our frustrations.
Miraculously, a week or so before our move, Mr Boy became filled with peace and joy like we have never seen in him before. EVER. Since then, Mr Boy has simply blown us away. It was like a switch was flipped inside of him and he became a totally different boy. A boy FREE of his entangling and crippling fears. A boy FREE of the effects of the trauma in his life. We have seen him "get better" and go through seasons of not being as hypersensitive to sensory things before, but this is somehow different. In the past, we didn't like to celebrate these good times because we knew things would get worse once something triggered fear in him and we'd spiral down once again. But this time we are claiming ultimate freedom in his life and are praying this isn't another upswing on this emotional roller coaster. We pray this move signifies not only a physical move, but a spiritual move away from Mr Boy's fears and former triggers. You have just witnessed proof of the freedom in the pictures posted above. Our precious boy could never have experienced any of it without fear and trembling. And there is not just the absence of fear, but the addition of joy and peace! Good bye Anxiety, Hello Joy! Praise the Lord!!
Philippians 4:6-7
New International Version (NIV)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.